Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sweet, sweet afterbirth

So it has come to this. Something to keep me busy and inform the internets on what I think of life, culture, sports, booze, and living in Harrisburg, PA. This is truly just an experiment to see if it can get some readers and see where it goes. Some of the things I will be discussing:

Drinking. Holy crap, will I be talking about drinking. I will probably be posting while drinking as well. I live within walking distance of 30 bars in the greater downtown area of Harrisburg, so I go out and get Schaivo'ed a LOT. My thoughts on bars in the area as well as brewpubs across America will be topical.

Sports. Mostly Atlanta Sports. Wrap your mind around that shit. Right now I am in the midst of Ron Mexico and his Bad Newz Kennels singlehandedly sinking the Falcons' ship. Luckily, the Hawks are right around the...oh man am I fucked this year. Um...go Thrashers?

Music. Gonna be putting some music reviews and links to cool albums out on this piece. My favorite band: Foo Fighters. Yeah, yeah, they aren't Led Zep, or some ultra crappy emo band, but fuck you because they make fun music that will rock your face off.

TV. I am addicted to TV in general. I have a ton of shows I watch with regularity. You will be hearing about them. I have 3 DVRs, every channel the cable company offers, and a 46" 1080p Samsung LCD. By the way, your TV blows more than Lindsey Lohan at a routine traffic stop.

Whatever I feel like. You got a problem with that?

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